Monday, February 28, 2011

Ella Turns 2...

I can remember laying in that hospital bed with the newborn little girl laying next to me - seeing visitors come and go - seeing them hold ella - not really realizing how my life was truly forever changed. Now she is 2years old. She talks, she walks, she thinks she can hop...She loves books, playdough, Dora, her family and being outside. She laughs like her mommy and thinks like her daddy. She spends many days with her grandmother and if she gains any of her empathetic nature, kindness and love for people - what more could I ask for? She looks like her Grandpa - likes to bake like her Nonna. She is an animal lover - a pretty awesome singer and a good eater! We love this little girl and who she has become in two short years. Happy Birthday Ella!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

end of July? no way....

Can it really be nearing the end of July? Tomorrow my BABY will be 17 months old! I am having such a hard time figuring out how exactly time can go by so quickly. I clearly remember last summer when Ella slept most of the day and we went for walks, stores, and hung out in the shade. This summer is different in LOTS of ways. We still try to go for walks but Ella stays awake for them and points and laughs at things. We sometimes go to stores - but that isnt nearly as easy (except Target...we LOVE shopping at Target) and there isn't much shade to hang out in. We have had a month and a half of 90 plus degree weather and HIGH humidity. I feel like we rarely even GO outside. But when we do, Ella loves the water, hose, her sandbox, watering plants, pushing her babies in the stroller, spotting birdies, flags, airplanes and balls!
We have been to the beach, the Brandywine Zoo, Longwood Gardens, Gymboree classes, Beaver Run, playgrounds, and we are packing to get ready for our roadtrip to visit Aunt Robin and Uncle Biggie (and friends) in Middleboro, Mass! We will see how our 17 month old does for 6 plus hours in the car!
Ella is really becoming easy to communicate with not only with words but also sign language. She says, "hi momma" or "hi dada" when you go to get her in the morning or from her nap. She refers to herself as "baby" and says hello to herself often too!
She says, "baby, momma, dada, up, down, help, hot, please, no, more, thank you, bop, uh oh, banana, i don't know, car, grandma, grandpa, pop pop, nonna, yummy, keys, ice, hat, me, eye, knee, ball, etc and the sounds for so many animals(monkey, dog, sheep, cow, snake, duck, horse, etc.)
Every morning I look at the calendar and know that these days are such a gift to me. I also am very aware of the month of August (namely the end of August) when my summer comes to an end and Ella and Mommy days are back to weekends and holidays along with our favorite daddy. Ella will go back to being with Grandmommy every day, I will have a new class to charm me...and I know I will look back at June, July and August with such memories and a warm heart!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

15 months old...

It has been a long time since I have posted....
Ella is such a "big girl" now! She is still in the 95% of both weight and height! But she only gained one pound in three months while she grew three inches! She is starting to really thin out!

Some favorite things now are: any type of jewelry (watches, bracelets, necklaces, scarfs, purses), she now likes bows in her hair, hats on her head and certain shoes! Anytime you say OHHHH pretty to her - she also LOVES it. She loves all of the people in her life, music, dancing, talking, and books. She says "hi" to everyone and "i don't know" if you ask where someone is that isn't around. She LOVES animals and pointing to them in stories (monkeys and snakes are her current favorites). Outside is her FAVORITE place especially if she hears birds or planes!
She is putting her diapers in the trash now and her clothes in the laundry and LOVES helping her daddy do any type of task!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break 2010 pics part 2

Spring Break 2010

Here are a few pictures from our spring break. Easter was great and so was the trip to Dewey beach for the best weather days of the year so far.

Friday, March 26, 2010

true love...

after two weeks of sickness (none of which was ella's - knock on wood) I think we are all on the mend! How Ella escaped it I will never know (knock on wood)...must have been all those good antibodies! This is what my one year old does now - walks up to you while playing and just gives you a kiss. It is the most precious thing. I can't believe how much she can show her love and affection now. It melts my heart.... (click on the play button to view)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy First Birthday, sweet girl...

We celebrated for TWO weeks...
we have now turned ONE officially, tasted cake, opened presents, tried to run with the big kids, posed for pictures and laughed hysterically. Happy Birthday, Ella. We can't wait to celebrate each and every year with you...may they all be this HAPPY!